Wood and Wellness conference prepares to kick off

12 February 2019

The Wood and Wellness conference takes place in central London on Wednesday February 13, with top architects Alex de Rijke, Oliver Heath and DaeWha Kang sharing their experience of using wood as part of projects to foster health and well-being.

The conference, organised by TTJ with James Latham as the headline sponsor, will also see David Bourque, development director of the National Forest, share how the forest is helping to reconnect people with nature.

Dr Ed Suttie, BRE research director, will update on global research linking wood to health and well-being as well as looking at air quality with regard to processes and treatments made to wood products.

Sean Sutcliffe of Benchmark Furniture will share how his company is positioning itself in the wellness market, while Oliver Jones, director of research at Ryder Architecture, will share how the well-being economy and healthy buildings movement is becoming a market disruptor in the UK housing market.

Tickets are available until 5pm on Tuesday February 12, with discounts available for members of conference supporting organisations the Timber Trade Federation, British Woodworking Federation, Structural Timber Association and Wood Protection Association.

Sponsors also include MEDITE SMARTPLY, Accoya, the British Woodworking Federation and Rothoblaas.

Delegates will receive copies of the book Shinrin-Yoku: The Art and Science of Forest-Bathing, courtesy of James Latham.

For the programme visit here . To access the ticket registration page visit here