At the TTBS’s AGM in London on May 11, Barbara Cartwright of AB Lewis Ltd was elected to serve a second year as president of the society. Richard Bagnall of Robbins Timber was re-elected as vice-president and also as national treasurer. He succeeds Ross Bellamy as treasurer who retired after 15 years. Also retiring this year was trustee Denis Butler of Wyckham Blackwell Ltd who was national president in 1982 and who has served as a trustee since 1992. A presentation was made to both Ross Bellamy and Denis Butler as a mark of appreciation for their many years service to TTBS.
Addressing the meeting, Mrs Cartwright said she had “thoroughly enjoyed” her first year in office and she thanked the trustees for their “support and guidance”.
Accepting his new role, Mr Bagnall also praised the work of the trustees. “The trustees do a lot of work unpaid,” he said. “We should be grateful for the many hours they put into the society.”
There are still a few places left for the TTBS National golf, which takes place at De Vere Belton Woods near Grantham on Friday, July 14. Contact Malcolm Job, general manager, tel: 0121 705 5686; fax: 021 705 5802; e-mail:
It may not have been the World Cup but members of the North East District of TTBS have shown their sporting prowess again this year. The Earnest Bennett & Co (Darlington) Ltd 5-a-side Football Competition was won by Joseph Thompson Timber and the runners-up were MH Southern & Co Ltd. The competition raised £465.20 for the Society.
The Golfers of the North East raised over £700 with their spring golf competition. The winner of the Belmont Cup (handicaps of 15 or under) was James Southern of MH Southern while the McFarlane Challenge Bowl (handicaps of 16 or more) was won by Chris Davidson of Gill & Robinson.