Nine CAT fork lift trucks have been delivered to terminal operator Ahlmark Shipping (UK) Ltd at King George Dock at the Port of Hull.

Ahlmark had already been working with Impact Handling for short-term hire and servicing of its other machines, but Impact’s appointment as UK distributor for Caterpillar proved key in expanding the relationship.

Ahlmark has signed a seven-year agreement with Impact to supply and fully maintain the CAT fleet.

The terminal operator had previously used seven-tonne trucks but identified that cargoes could be handled by smaller machines, making the fork lifts more cost-effective.

Following discussions with Impact, Ahlmark decided on four DP55N, four DP50N and one DP45N machines.

“Although timber is the main commodity for Ahlmark, four of the trucks were fitted with fourth hydraulics in order for clamps to be used for pulp and paper consignments,” said Ahlmark.

“The DP45N was also adapted for working inside containers.”

Ahlmark’s Hull terminal handles more than 200,000 tonnes of forest and steel products from Sweden and Italy per year.