Despite reports of public cynicism over the general election, it still offers a rare opportunity to spread the word about forestry and timber. Political lobbying is a key objective of ConFor and we have put a lot of effort into influencing the main parties, promoting the importance of forestry and timber to a low-carbon economy.

Politicians are in listening mode and we all have the chance to engage with candidates. In speaking with the political parties ConFor has focused on the key issues of: developing markets for wood; future wood supply, including protecting productive forests and establishing new ones; and the threat from large-scale biomass plants to existing businesses and to the emerging local renewable energy sector.

At the heart of our activities is the lobbying document, Forestry: A Fresh Approach. This explains to politicians how forestry and wood can deliver a low-carbon economy at a time of pressured public finances.

The document is part of a wider strategy of influencing politicians and focuses on the key messages that: woodland creation is a cost-effective way of locking up carbon; there must be the right market for wood that should not displace but grow the sector; and forestry and wood-using businesses comprise the only sector that locks up more carbon, the more it produces and uses.

All the political parties have responded well to our lobbying and we will look to build on this after the election with the new government.

The general election is a great opportunity for everyone to have their say and ConFor has sought to facilitate this by encouraging everyone in the forestry and timber sector to participate by speaking or writing to their candidates. To this end, we have collected some useful information at This includes the Fresh Approach document, which has already been sent to selected parliamentary candidates, and a factsheet giving information that may be helpful when engaging with parliamentary candidates and other interested people.

While individuals have their own issues, there’s real value in repeating key messages. A concerted effort can make the difference.