The lasting result of a good education is a continuing interest to go on learning through life. The real achievement of good timber promotion is in creating growing interest to specify and use timber.
The aim of the Forest Education Initiative combines these two. It is to increase the understanding and appreciation, particularly among young people, of the environmental, social, and economic potential of trees, woodlands and forests and the link between the tree and everyday wood products.
FEI now has 46 ‘clusters’ of timber traders, woodworkers, foresters, educationalists, and local environmental or educational organisations in England, Scotland and Wales. And the growth in the number of these clusters is accelerating.
But what’s in it for the timber trade? Well, first the partners in FEI, and all the local environmental and education organisations working with the clusters, are promoting timber. Second, you have, or soon will have, a cluster near you so you can contribute to this promotion of timber. If you or colleagues have children at school, you can link specific teachers with a cluster. You can draw schools’, teachers’, children’s and parents’ attention to FEI publications and the website – or put them in touch with the four FEI co-ordinators via, or our Cambridge base.
The FEI partners are the Timber Trade Federation, Forest Industries Development Council, Forestry Commission, Woodland Trust, Field Studies Council, BTCV, Groundwork Trust and the Tree Council. They are dedicated to timber business, education, and environment, and aim to give forestry, timber, wood products and paper a strong future in the market.
We are now starting the FEI campaign for growth, to raise £2.5m over the next three to five years to ensure that this message grows and grows. Major companies in the timber trade and industries, grant-giving bodies and international corporations with any allied interest will be approached for funds.
It’s a tough task – made easier with your help – but worth it.