Fire door manufacturer TDSL’s Viscount Plus doorset has achieved a “severe duty” rating based on testing against Chiltern Dynamics’ Classification for Service Life test programme.
The Manchester company’s doorset also successfully completed a 30min fire resistance test under BS 476:Part 22 with Chiltern International Fire.
Vincent Kerrigan, Chiltern Dynamics’ deputy test manager, described the successful testing as a “remarkable achievement”. The “severe” rating is the most demanding classification in Chiltern Dynamics’ programme.
“The TDSL doorset continued to function fully throughout the rigorous tests and that same door was still able to do its job in fire” |
Vincent Kerrigan, Chiltern Dynamics deputy test manager |
Mr Kerrigan said: “Our life cycle performance programme replicates the severe duty which doors would undergo in busy schools and hospitals, for example. The TDSL doorset continued to function fully throughout the rigorous tests and that same door was still able to do its job in fire.”
The Classification for Service Life programme features a wide range of performance characteristics including vertical load, static torsion, hard body impact, slamming shut and 500,000 opening and closing cycles.