Wayne Hemingway, the fashion and house designer and chair of the Building for Life initiative, will be one of the keynote speakers at TTJ’s Wood Futures Conference on November 6.

This year’s conference, organised in association with Medite 2016 Forum, is entitled Countdown to Zero and will look at the implications for the timber supply chain of the government’s targets for all UK new housing to be zero carbon from 2016 and commercial construction from 2019.

Mr Hemingway has long championed the need for the UK building sector to improve the quality and design and reduce the environmental impact of new housing. The role of Building for Life, which he has chaired for a number of years, is to identify and spread best building practice.

Countdown to Zero takes place on November 6 at the Royal Festival Hall in London and is supported by the TTF and TRADA.

More follows in this week’s TTJ magazine.

For further details and tickets for Wood Futures: Countdown to Zero contact Natasha Denney: tel. 020 8269 7833, e-mail: ndenney@progressivemediagroup.com