Staff at Leeds-based VC Industries Ltd (VCI) are being put through “master classes” in a training initiative which director Pauline Vernon believes could be a panel processing industry first.
The company, which supplies components to furniture manufacturers, says it has highlighted personal staff development and the acquisition of new skills as vital areas of improvement for the future of the business.
“The aim is to put the emphasis back on the development of employees – instead of production being seen as machines turning out bits, it is people turning out bits with the aid of machines.”
Employees have been attending a variety of course with recent training including “Developing good equality work practices” and master classes in leadership, process management and measurement.
Four senior production staff are studying for a Certificate in Operations Management and one employee has qualified to be an internal forklift truck trainer.
VCI is also introducing a modern apprenticeship scheme and has signed up its first apprentice through Leeds College of Building.
As well as investing in its people, VCI is undertaking capital spending at its 38,000ft2 manufacturing facility at Stourton. Systems and machinery are being upgraded and efficiency improved and the company is working towards ISO 9000/2000 status.