High Wycombe-based BM TRADA, which has branches in 38 countries, said the change was aimed at reducing confusion among customers and affects all signage, documentation and websites. The changes took effect from July 1.
Group companies BM TRADA Certification Ltd, TRADA Technology Ltd, Chiltern International Fire Ltd and Chiltern Dynamics will trade under one name – BM TRADA – and adopt a shared visual identity. Fira International Ltd (Furniture Industry Research Association) is unaffected by the changes.
Two new certification marks are being introduced – a "C" shaped mark known as the Cert Mark is for management systems, chain of custody certification, BRC safety and quality certification, competent persons and Factory Production Control.
The Q-Mark quality mark covers product certification and personnel certification schemes.
"A recent review of our businesses and customers revealed that the individual identities sometimes make communications confusing, and that, in an already complex business area, clarity and simplicity in communications are rare, but valued," said BM TRADA chief executive David Webb.
The company has reassured customers that all documents and certificates previously issued by individual companies in the TRADA Group will be unaffected.