Using Canadian cedar cladding as part of external timber frame walls will achieve an A+ rating in the BRE’s new Green Guide, members of The Timber Trade Federation’s national softwood division have been told.

Cees de Jager, managing director of the Western Red Cedar Export Association, told the division at a recent meeting that the rating had been confirmed by BRE in advance of publication of the updated Green Guide.

The A+ rating is for Canadian cedar weatherboarding, OSB-3 or plywood sheathing, timber frame external studs with insulation, plasterboard and paint.

The rating has already been incorporated in the Code for Sustainable Homes and will be included in the Green Guide, which will be published early in 2008.

During the meeting, TTF members were also told that the WRCEA could offer grants on advertising projects and market-specific photography of projects that use western red cedar.