Arch Timber Protection’s Dricon has been reaffirmed as the only fire retardant treatment approved for use on the London Underground.
Dricon, which has been recommended for use by London Underground Ltd (LUL) since 2007, now also has a fully approved listing on its products register, which is the key reference for all LUL suppliers.
“The LUL decision should give reassurance to companies involved in the current Crossrail project that by using Dricon-treated timber and plywood they will have protection that is fully LUL compliant,” said Arch.
Arch said the recent acceptance of its Non-Com Exterior leach resistant treatment for exterior construction timbers by the NHBC was also a significant step in terms of raising standards for the fire retardant treatment of external timbers.
The NHBC building control acceptance relates to timber cladding in situations adjacent to boundaries or above 18m in newbuild projects.