The biomass facility would be situated at Blackburn Meadows and would produce enough energy for 40,000 homes, save the equivalent of 80,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year and create 20 jobs in the area.

“A biomass development is a great opportunity to make a contribution to the Yorkshire and Humber region’s target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% by 2010,” said E.ON project developer Dr Nilton Chan. “We’re expecting there to be a number of benefits to the local community in terms of jobs and investment in the area.”

Construction work is due to start on the Blackburn Meadows site in 2009, with the facility operational by 2011.

In addition, E.ON has announced that it is to undertake testing on the UK’s largest biomass plant at Steven’s Croft near Lockerbie, Scotland as part of the ongoing commissioning process.

The tests started on July 20 and are to take place over a number of weeks as the £90m biomass plant, which will produce enough power for 70,000 homes, nears completion.