As TTJ went to press on Wednesday, more visitors were reported through the gates than the previous opening day, although the timber sector’s representation appeared to be smaller than previous years.

Highlights included Norbord launching new specialist OSB products for the flat roofing, timber frame sheathing, flooring and hoarding sectors – Roofcoat, Armourcoat, Décorcoat and Sitecoat.

Accoya also shared a study to prove windows made from Accoya modified wood were carbon negative. Coillte, TRADA, the Wood Window Alliance, Arnold Laver and Steico all had a significant presence at the exhibition.

Ed Davey, UK secretary of state for energy and climate change, said he was “uplifted” by the show. He delivered a speech on the government’s approach to energy efficiency and sustainability in the buillt environment.

Full coverage of Ecobuild will feature in March 23/30 issue of TTJ.