All 14 jobs at Norfolk-based Architectural Panel Products Ltd (APP) have been saved following the sale of the business by the administrative receiver to the Newbould family.

Receivers Ernst & Young said the Newboulds, owner-managers of Wirral-based joinery company AS Newbould Ltd, will now trade the business as Architectural Panel Products (2004) Ltd.

AS Newbould managing director Phil Newbould said: “We are delighted to take ownership of APP and to continue to trade this company in its specialist field. The business will be run in the same manner as previously, with all staff being retained in their current positions, working to the usual high standard.”

Ernst & Young said the sale of Watton-based door and furniture panel manufacturer APP, orginally formed in 1988, was a testimony to the company’s customer base and suppliers.

The administrative receiver was appointed to APP and its parent company Brand Holdings Ltd, along with its other subsidiaries Hartlepool-based Bridgman IBC and Dale Joinery Ltd of Rochdale in February. Discussions are continuing with interested parties with a view to going concern sales.