A 35% rise in timber handling productivity has won Associated British Ports‘ (ABP) Port of King’s Lynn a Most Improved Stevedoring Performance award from customer Finnforest UK.
The port was the only one within Finnforest’s 2004 supplier-productivity index to improve significantly on the previous year’s peformance.
Finnforest UK’s logistics and IT director Mark Tonge said “ABP King’s Lynn has made significant progress this past year with its productivity levels when discharging our vessels.
“In most cases, they are handling ‘non-standard’ product, which typically exceeds 14m in length per pack, and this makes the magnitude of their improvement all the more impressive.”
Paul Jervis, deputy port manager for ABP’s East Anglian ports, said: “Timber is an important sector of King’s Lynn’s business, so I’m very pleased that we have received formal recognition of our expertise in handling this commodity.”
He said investment in new cranage at the port had improved efficiency and that the award was testament to the skill of experienced staff.