The Finnish forest industry purchased 4 million m³ of timber from private forest owners in August 2011, almost one-fifth higher than the August average, according to the Finnish Forest Industries Federation (FFIF).

FFIF said the aggregate volume purchased for the period January-August 2011 was 14.8 million m³, 12% less than in the corresponding period of 2010. The volume of sawlog purchases for January-August 2011 was 6 million m³.

Stumpage prices decreased slightly from July, with sawlog prices down 1%. The average stumpage price of pine sawlogs was €57 per m³, while spruce sawlogs gained €59 and birch sawlogs €43 per m³ on average.

FFIF said domestic wood was in good demand, with all timber grades, including energy wood, being sought by buyers. But it said the operating prerequisites of the forest industry depended on the steady availability of processable timber.