The timber sector’s national promotional body France Bois Forêt is organising the initiative, backed by a number of leading sawmills and timber products manufacturers.
These include hardwoods suppliers Ducerf, Eurochêne, Bourdaud, Groupe Lefebvre, Scierie Mutelet, Tarteret, Tescsabois, and Scierie Maeschler, and softwood specialists Piveteau Bois, Monnet-Seve, Siat–Braun, Barillet, Cyril Ducret, Archimbaud, Scierie Moulin and Scierie Veryrière.
To date 500 companies have booked stands at the show, which will be at least 2% bigger in area than it was in 2012. The increasing international profile of the event is underlined by more than 30% of exhibitors coming from abroad, representing a total of 18 countries.
The Carrefour is now Europe’s biggest exhibition for sawn timber, and say the organisers, an increasingly important event for the panels, timber flooring and international trading sectors.
Timber construction products are also a growing part of the show, with the dedicated Techniques & Solutions section set to be at least 10% bigger this year.
Conferences will cover European timber architecture, international market trends, and wood in urban renovation projects.