Mr Macqueen’s final-year dissertation was entitled "Does thinning history affect the critical basal area of Sitka spruce? The unique case of CCF designated stands in Kielder Forest."
He is now working with UPM Tilhill in Dumfries.
Ms Jones graduated with a first class BSc in Ecological Sciences with Honours in Forestry. For her dissertation, entitled "A comparison of agri-environment schemes in Wales and Scotland: reasons for non-entry", she surveyed 86 land managers to identify the most important factors in making the decision on whether to enter into these schemes.
Next year she will work with the Forestry Commission in Resolven, South Wales, and hopes to work towards gaining chartered status with the Institute of Chartered Foresters.
Mr Belcher’s dissertation was on "Spatial correlation between environmental/climatic variables with Net Ecosystem Production and Net Primary Production (biomass production) whilst statistically taking into account variance likely caused by individual variables (multiple regression)."
He plans are to gain work experience in environmental policy while saving money to undertake a masters in environmental policy, starting September next year.