Eco-friendly off-site construction methods will be showcased at Interbuild 2004 at the NEC, Birmingham on April 25-29 next year.

The exhibition organisers say they are responding to John Prescott’s call to create affordable housing through a Manufactured Solutions section which will give visitors the opportunity to discover more about various methods and products.

Event director Steve Webb said: “The government’s announcement will have huge implications for the industry but housing is just one of the many sectors affected by off-site construction.

&#8220The potential in offsite manufactured solutions in construction is unlimited . It’s the number one hot topic ”

Interbuild event director Steve Webb

“The potential is unlimited and, as the industry’s leading exhibition, we will naturally give a high profile to Manufactured Solutions. It’s the number one hot topic and, with many people still unaware or unconvinced about the full value and suitability of off-site methods, Interbuild has a key role to play in making the picture much clearer.”