Consultation on long overdue draft guidance notes relating to atmospheric emissions in the timber and wood product manufacturing sector is likely to start this year.
“Part B” guidance notes PG6/2, PG1/12 and PG6/33, which cover timber manufacturing processes, combustion and coatings, were scheduled to have been updated in 1999 but an industry working group has heard nothing since examining a draft 18 months ago.
The Environment Agency (EA), says it completed a draft review some time ago and has been waiting for the Department for the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to send it out for consultation. It claims the delay is due to a lack of resources at DEFRA.
Industry working group member Alan Watkins, of FIRA International Ltd, says the guidance notes could result in companies having to spend more money upgrading their equipment, especially if continual monitoring is required in abatement plants.
Consultation could start as early as April-May.