Questions about the readiness of UK retailers to meet incoming EU timber regulations have been raised by a new WWF study “What Wood You Choose?”

The group said its study found wood used to make kitchen worktops, doors and decking which are on sale in the UK come from parts of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Congo Basin where illegal logging takes place.

It said some companies had little idea where their wood products originated from and were “reluctant” to find out.

“While some of the major retailers are clearing up their supply chains there are a large number of UK companies that simply don’t have the information or the understanding to make them fit for purpose when the new regulations come into force,” said Colin Butfield, WWF’s head of campaigns.

The study found that some companies’ websites show the FSC logo next to products which are not FSC, while others may offer a product as FSC but on closer inspection it turned out the product is only available for special orders and the vast majority of products are non-FSC.

“The EU law, coming into force in early 2013, will mean anyone intending to sell timber products into the UK market will have to be able to show where it’s come from and that it isn’t illegal,” added Mr Butfield.

“This study suggests that UK businesses are a long way from meeting the demands of that new law.”

To view a copy of the report visit