Major players in the timber industry are still relucant to be involved in the Pan European Forest Certification (PEFC) movement according to PEFC UK Ltd chairman Len Yull.
He was speaking at the organisation’s first AGM in London last week where all five of the directors who had stood for re-election were re-appointed.
Announcing the appointment of John Gunn, David Duke-Evans, James King, Kathy Bradley and himself, Mr Yull admitted that he was aware that the spread of experience was limited due to the general unwillingness of key players to participate. However, he said he hoped to announce the appointment of two new directors shortly who would help redress the balance.
Mr Yull told stakeholders present that PEFC UK’s Scheme for Sustainable Forest Management has been submitted to the PEFC Council (PEFCC) in Luxembourg and that it would be tested and measured against the criteria and principles set by PEFCC.
If accepted, he said, PEFC will have achieved what it set out to do and will have made available a process by which a logo or label can be developed. Another important objective, said Mr Yull, was to establish a framework for mututal recognition. ‘PEFCC is still keen to reach a degree of understanding with FSC,’ he said.