Key players in timber buying and forestry can learn about responsible purchasing, certification and sustainable forest management in the next ProForest summer training sessions (July 18-22).

The three-day Responsible Forestry and Timber course on July 18-20 will focus on linking production to changing market requirements, covering certification schemes, the auditing process, supply chain management, responsible purchasing policies, illegal logging, and regulation (including the EU Timber Regulation & US Lacey Act).

Another of the sessions is Forests and Climate Change on July 21, providing an update on the global debate about forests within the climate change context including a look at Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).

All sessions will be held in Oxford. Optional evening events include a barbecue reception on July 19, a boat trip on the Thames on July 20 and a guided tour of Oxford on July 21.

For more information click here