Forest Enterprise Scotland is to tender 75,000 tonnes per annum of delivered in small roundwood on a long-term basis, with supply commencing April 2009. The award of the contract will be on the combined basis of price offered and clear demonstrable linkages to the Scottish Forestry Strategy.
The tender will follow a “preferred bidder” concept with the prospective customers being invited to make a submission containing both a written presentation along with a delivered in price per green tonne.
To request a tender pack with detailed information please contact:
Graham Godsman tel: 01463 252615; e-mail:
Douglas Younie tel: 01463 252617; e-mail:
Or write to:
Forest Enterprise Scotland
1 Highlander Way
Inverness Business Park
Inverness IV2 7GB
Closing date for receipt of written submissions is 14 September 2007.