Work on promoting sustainable and legal timber supplies into the UK market has won the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) backing in Europe.
At a Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade consultation meeting in Brussels last week TTF forest policy adviser Gunther Hentschel told representatives of the European Commission, NGOs and the European timber trade that the UK was taking the lead in responsible purchasing.
He said he was delighted to find unanimous support and admiration for the work from European colleagues.
TTF chief executive John White said the TTF is at the forefront of responsible purchasing. He added: “Through our own Code of Conduct and the introduction of our Responsible Purchasing Policy (RPP) we have both made the commitment to only sourcing timber from legal and well managed sources and, through the RPP, provided the toolkit to achieve this goal.
“We want to see Europe match our efforts to augment the already good work the trade has undertaken there.”