Moves are under way to make it easier and cheaper for small UK woodland owners to win certification from the Forest Stewardship Council.
The UK Woodland Assurance Standard is proposing new criteria to expand the existing small woodland category to small and low intensity managed woodland (SLIM).
“The new SLIM category would embrace individual woods up to 100ha as now, but also low intensity managed woodlands defined using the FSC criteria,” UKWAS chairman Peter Wilson said
Low intensity is land with a rate of harvesting lower than 20% and annual production less than 5,000m³.
“We believe 95% of private woodland owners will meet the new SLIM woodland criteria,” Mr Wilson said.
The proposals are set out in a UKWAS consultation paper, which is open for comment until July 4.
“These owners will benefit from the clauses in the standard and the FSC’s reduced auditing requirements of one audit and one follow up inspection during the five-year currency of the certificate,” said Mr Wilson. “This would be a major cost benefit for SLIM woodland owners.”