The event, which the WPA describes as its most ambitious yet, is being held at the Breadsall Priory Hotel and will have sessions on sustainability, construction and performance.

The WPA is currently conducting a survey of companies involved in the supply of treated wood in the UK to identify what they see as the big issues. The results of this survey and how it is shaping WPA strategy will be revealed at the conference.

The BRE’s sustainable materials lead Ed Suttie is to give the keynote address, with Grown in Britain CEO Dougal Driver talking on the growing importance of homegrown timber and Napier University’s Ivor Davies covering sustainable construction timber.

An update on creosote, a session on marketing and assessing the performance of treated wood will also be held. Alongside the conference there will be a “poster sessions” where specific wood protection topics such as the UK durability field trial and incising technology can be discussed with those organisations taking space.

For more information contact WPA director Steve Young on