The Nordic Timber Council has approved funding of the wood. for good campaign for an additional six months until December 30. It is also discussing the campaign’s future and how it will be financed in the longer term.

NTC managing director Jan Söderlind said wood. for good’s strategy had changed and the funding needed would be less than in its start-up phase. The next phase would also not include TV advertising.

The campaign, originally set to run for three years to the end of this June, has set a total budget for its next year of around £2m, compared with £2.6m for the last year. The NTC will remain the main funder for the next six months, as it has been since wood. for good began.

In the NTC’s annual report 2002, president Matti Sihovnen said that for the longer term the Nordic industry and forest owners were prepared to continue funding the UK initiative “at the same amount as our British partners are investing themselves”.

“Today, UK organisations are funding one quarter of the wood. for good campaign. In the future we see an increased funding responsibility from them,” Mr Soderlind told TTJ.

Meanwhile, the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) confirmed it is continuing to back the campaign. It will contribute £65,000 this financial year, making wood. for good the biggest single element of the TTF promotion budget. President Geoff Rhodes said the federation would also continue to promote the campaign and its benefits to members and urge individual companies to get involved.

“We’ve been a staunch supporter of wood. for good since it began and TTF personnel also dedicate time and expertise to the campaign,” he said.

Wood. for good is mailing potential stakeholders in a bid to increase UK funding.

Its managing director Charles Trevor said: “I am confident that the campaign will continue in 2004 and beyond. The longer the campaign continues, the more opportunities there are to promote wood.”