As the cost and eco pressures grow on the European timber industry to make even more of its raw material resource, finger-jointing is set to play an ever greater role.

At least that’s the belief of finger jointing machine maker Conception RP of Québec City, Canada, which is why it was making its first appearance at Ligna.

The company specialises in horizontal jointing systems, as opposed to the vertical type which sales and technical service representative Troy Gaboury said are more commonly found in Europe.

‘Its a faster production system, in fact we believe ours are the fastest on the market,’ he said. ‘Production is up to between 25-30,000 lineal metres per eight-hour shift.’

Conception already has ‘most of the Canadian’ finger-jointing machine market and expects strong demand in Europe.

‘There is growing incentive to make more value-added use of shorter length timbers,’ said Mr Gaboury. ‘We’re expecting to finalise sale of two or three machines at this show.’

He added that a Conception machine has recently been delivered to Lahdenpera Oy in Finland.

Delivery-time to Europe is between 12 weeks to six months, depending on spec.