A Norfolk picture frame mouldings producer has spent £137,000 setting up an in-house profiling department as part of diversification plans.

Dereham-based Midas Mouldings Ltd, a subsidiary of picture frame industry wholesaler Wessex Pictures, has invested in a range of equipment, including a £34,000 six-headed Leadermac Compact machine.

Midas had previously only been a finisher of picture frame mouldings, but it now machines and finishes a range of products, including items for the furniture and architectural sectors.

As well as the Leadermac, Midas has installed a Weinig seven-headed profiler, a Robinson bandsaw, Ogma multi-ripsaw, Weinig Rondmat tool grinder, dust extraction equipment and racking.

DeVilbliss spray guns have also improved the efficiency of the company’s automated finishing lines, using two pack, cellulose and water-based stains and lacquers.

David Thorpe, Midas general manager, said the investment had allowed the company to take on outsourcing jobs from other firms.

Mr Thorpe said about 60% of Midas’ production is supplied to Wessex Pictures, which has nine outlets across the country, with some 80% of total production being picture frame mouldings.