Clyve Perkin, former chairman and chief executive of the Benlowe Group, died on July 16 after a short illness.

Mr Perkin began his career at Sharp Brothers and Knight and then Midland Joinery, before joining TL Bennett (which eventually became Bennett Windows) in 1970. In 1987, he became a director of the Hewetson Group when it bought Bennett Windows, then led the management buyout from Kingspan in 1999.

He was a committed supporter of the British Woodworking Federation and had attended a meeting of its predecessor organisation, the English Joinery Manufacturers Association, as a recently qualified estimator in the 1950s. As well as serving as a council member for many years, he held the rare distinction of serving two terms both as president, from 1991-1993 and 1997-1999, and honorary treasurer from 1993-1995 and 1999-2004.

Mr Perkin was widely praised for his stabilising influence during his second presidency, when he helped steer the BWF out of crisis. He was also the first chairman of the Timber Window Accreditation Scheme. When he retired from business in 2002, he was awarded Honorary Life Membership of the Federation, and maintained his interest in the industry as a Code of Conduct assessor.

BWF President Stephen Wright said: “The BWF has lost a good friend. Clyve will be sorely missed.”