All articles by Anupama k

Anupama k

Malaysian exporters warned to heed trend for legal timber

Malaysian timber products exporters must be mindful of the rising demand in major markets for legal timber and ensure they comply with new rules, said plantation industries and commodities minister Tan Sri Bernard Dompok has said.

Brazilian president vetoes parts of Forest Code

Brazil’s president, Dilma Rousseff, has vetoed parts of the country’s proposed new forest code – a move that may stop tracts of land being opened for large-scale agriculture.

Sulphur Directive approval to cost Finnish forestry sector €200m

Final approval of the Sulphur Directive will cost the Finnish forest industry €200m in annual extra costs.

Finnish green groups ‘forcing’ FSC audits on forest owners

Finnish forest owners say environmentalists are putting undue pressure on them to submit to Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) audits, but the FSC itself described the claims as ‘exaggerated’.