The growing importance of sustainability issues to housebuilders has been uncovered in the first survey commissioned by WWF as part of its One Million Sustainable Homes campaign (OMSH).

The commitment to sustainability of 13 of the UK’s largest housebuilders was assessed, with two – Countryside Properties and the Berkeley Group – scoring more than 70%. The remainder scored an average of 35%, but the survey showed many examples of good practice were emerging with respect to managing key environmental and social issues.

The aim of OMSH is to move sustainability from the fringes to the mainstream of UK housing. The report covers areas such as housebuilders’ impacts on the environment and society, and examines their governance and risk management.

&#8220Timber was an issue in the survey and we asked whether or not companies had policies to source timber from sustainable sources and if so what those policies were”

OMSH campaign director Paul King

OMSH campaign director Paul King said: “Timber was an issue in the survey and we asked whether or not companies had policies to source timber from sustainable sources and if so what those policies were.”