The British Woodworking Federation (BWF) has embarked on a series of timber selection and application seminars to address a “significant number of misconceptions” prevalent among joinery manufacturers.
The BWF’s technical department devised the initiative after its telephone helpline received many calls on the subject.
BWF technical officer Tom Rogers said the most common mistakes were confusion between slow-grown softwoods and hardwoods from North America.
He said many joiners believed hemlock was a hardwood, while different types of meranti offered varying durabilities, some of which required special treatment.
He said: “A lack of knowledge and understanding of timber and its properties can all too often lead to a waste of time and material. Difficulties arise because defects are not identified or the potential effect of a particular grain pattern is not realised.”
The first seminar, “Understanding Softwoods and Hardwoods”, was held at Atherstone-based Sykes Timber, where it will be repeated again on November 27 and at Warrington on December 10, hosted by SCA Timber Ltd.
Further seminars will follow next April and October. The BWF eventually hopes to offer a rolling programme of courses on a regional basis.