Six trade associations have banded together to form a CE Marking Advisory Group.

Its aim is to make agreed and consistent advice available to affiliated companies on the complexities of CE marking of wood products for use in construction, and to enlist the co-operation of producers and traders in market surveillance.

Group spokesperson David Duke-Evans of the Wood Panel Industries Federation said: “The advisory group remains wary that products, whether CE marked or not, that are unable to show their fitness for purpose at the point of sale may continue to provide non-complying and possibly illegal competition.

“The group urges all manufacturers and traders of wood construction products, both home produced and imported, to show their bona fides by CE marking as soon as practicalities allow.”

Mr Duke-Evans said the group would maintain close links with county trading standards departments, and would consider, if necessary, help to further any queries or complaints from trade sources about the doubtful conformity of standardised goods on the market.

The group will not accept any legal responsibility for advice given on any aspect of CE marking.

Advisory group contacts are Nick Boulton at the Timber Trade Federation, David Duke-Evans at the Wood Panel Industries Federation, John Hedgecock at the British Woodworking Federation, Duncan King of APA – The Engineered Wood Association, John Park of Canada Wood UK and Mark Wilkinson of BM TRADA.