The window and door supplier was formerly Ambass-A-Door and rebranded when Mr Wood joined the company in June last year. At that time three Ambass-A-Door directors, including founder David Lomax, and Mr Wood each had a 25% share.

Mr Wood is a former managing director of Mumford & Wood. Announcing his buyout, Mr Wood said Lomax + Wood had doubled turnover in a short period of time and increased output from 600 windows and doors a year to 1,400. It was now investing in a new showroom in Essex, which is due to be competed next month.

There are also plans to invest at its Polish production partner, and source more products in the UK.

“However, it is important that we are not restricted to a single partner and we have sourced different products from other countries and other manufacturers.

“Having previously manufactured in the UK I also plan to source locally whenever I can. We already buy our timber roof lanterns in the UK, and I value the heritage and expertise of those in our industry.”