The sought-after nordman fir will cost about £2 extra for a 6ft tree this Christmas due to a tightening of supply, according to the British Christmas Tree Growers Association.

Roger Hay, association secretary, said the weakness of sterling and strength of the Danish krone meant Denmark’s Christmas tree industry was dramatically reducing shipments to the UK. He predicted home-grown trees to have a 95% share of the market this Christmas.

UK growers are working to meet demand for nordman fir but the shortage means an average 6ft tree will cost £35+ this Christmas.

“It’s a bit tighter than it has been because of the shortage, but people are buying other species.

“The overall number of trees being sold is going up every year,” said Mr Hay. “UK supplies are going up and by next year we should be totally self-sufficient.”

Mr Hay said Christmas tree growing was profitable, with British suppliers “doing quite well at the moment”.