Further opportunities for developing Scotland’s forest industries will be highlighted at a Glasgow conference in February.

The Scottish Forest Industries Cluster‘s third conference, to be held at the Beardmore Conference Hotel on Feburary 3-4, will also review the cluster’s achievements in the past year.

Cluster chairman Stefan Key will present the annual report, while representatives of Coillte, Coed Cymru and the Confederation of Forest Industries will talk about activities in Ireland, Wales and England.

Clive Suckling of Pricewaterhouse Cooper will talk on global trends in the forest and paper industries; head of EU forest policy Jeremy Wall will look at the European policy environment; and the Forestry Commission‘s Ian Forshaw will focus on getting research priorities right.

Dr Robert Rippengal of Econergy Ltd will speak on wood heating – a new market opportunity; UK Timber Frame Association chief executive Brian Woodley will examine the opportunities of off-site construction; and Forscot chairman Ed Gillespie will look at attracting global scale investment.