A court has fined builders’ merchant Travis Perkins £2m after part of a timber load fell off one of its lorries and into the windscreen of an oncoming car, tragically killing the driver.
Lewes District Council published the details of the judgement in a press release on its website.
The press statement said Travis Perkins admitted three offences contrary to the Health and Safety at Work Act and sentence was passed at Hove Crown Court today on January 23.
On May 13, 2020, father-of-three Jack Stevens, 28, who was driving a BMW, died when a strip of timber came loose from a Travis Perkins vehicle on the A26 after it left the company’s Newhaven depot.
The statement said the court heard how only a single strap was used on the load which did not adequately secure it, and the lashing was insufficient.
Lewes District Council conducted an investigation, working collaboratively with the Health and Safety Executive, and brought the prosecution.
“While we welcome the substantial fine imposed today, it remains an absolute tragedy that Mr Stevens, a much-loved father-of-three, died in this entirely preventable case,” said councillor Christine Robinson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing at Lewes District Council.
“I hope our prosecution sends a strong message to businesses that it is of the utmost importance they adhere to health and safety legislation to ensure that something like this never happens again.
“I am grateful for to our officers for their rigorous investigation and professionalism in pursuing this prosecution over a lengthy period, working collaboratively with the Health and Safety Executive.”The court awarded £85,000 costs.