Designed by architects Cole Thompson Anders, the house was conceived by Peter Bonsall and project managed by his company, Blue-Evolution. Mr Bonsall wanted to create an environmental home while demonstrating the effective application of intelligent green techniques and technologies in Ireland.

The single-skin timber frame of the house was constructed off-site by timber frame manufacturer Kingspan-Century, a strategic partner to Finnforest.

Finnforest’s FinnJoists (FJI) were specified and used in the construction of the wall, floor and roof cassettes.

FinnJoists, which are available from depths of 200mm to 400mm, create a greater cavity and therefore the opportunity for more insulation, which gives a more thermally efficient unit.

Constructed from Kerto, a high technology laminated veneer lumber, and an OSB web the FJI delivers a high strength to weight ratio.

Kingspan-Century worked closely with Finnforest on the development of the details that made the use of the FJI product workable for the wall elements.

“As market leaders we are continually pushing the boundaries of what is achievable with timber frame,” said Gerry McCaughey, procurement director for Kingspan Century.

“This project is another example of the innovation that we are looking to introduce to the market, made possible by working with products such as FJI and Kerto and working closely at all levels with our supply chain partners.”