All three promoted the benefits of using certified timber at a time when the newly-introduced European Timber Regulation is throwing the spotlight on legal sourcing of wood.

PEFC promoted project certification to builders and architects as a way of gaining sustainability credentials for their construction projects. The London Olympic Park is probably the best example of project certification.

Representatives from Soil Association Woodmark, which carried out the dual FSC/PEFC project certification of the Olympic Park, were also on stand.

Beck Woodrow, project manager at Soil Association Woodmark, reported Ecobuild interest in project certification from architects and construction companies but said some builders mistakenly thought it was something they could tack on the end of the build.

Builders also had other current priorities, such as the Construction Products Directive.

MTCC and SFI are both PEFC-ensorsed certification schemes. The MTCC showed vistitors its work certifying Malaysian forests and chain of custody holders.