Engineered wood flooring accounted for 92% of all wood flooring imported into Europe in 2010, according to new figures released by the European Federation of Parquet Importers (EFPI).

Wood flooring imports totalled 6.7 million m² in 2010, with engineered wood accounting for 6.2 million m² and solid flooring 558,007m².

EFPI said an exact comparison could not be made with previous years due to different calculation methods, but it said the figures show the outlook is moderately positive for European imports.

Looking at the same group of importing companies in 2009 and in 2010, EFPI reported a slight increase in imports, a “positive” achievement given the trading conditions prevailing.

“The 2010 data confirm our members determination and hard work in overcoming the economic crisis which plagued Europe in recent years,” said EFPI president Jürgen Früchtenicht.

“We are looking forward to the implementation of the EU Illegal Logging Regulation and will continue to provide our support to the EU executive in its efforts to secure certified timber imports,” said Mr Früchtenicht.

EFPI data was gathered among members: Amorim Revestimentos; Westco; Global Flooring Alliance (14 importers); Fetim; Oscar Peschardt & Co; and PlyQuet, representing 19 companies in total engaged in the import and distribution of wood parquet flooring in Europe.

Figures exclude intra-EFPI trade, exports, re-exports, and cross-trade business with markets outside Europe.

Sales are measured in the geographic territory of Europe regardless of whether the country is a member of the EU.