UPM Forest Life, a website that allows members of the public to learn how Finland’s forests bring economic, environmental and social benefits to the country, has won the Forest Act of the Year award.

The Association of Finnish Foresters (AFF) and Nordea Bank bestow the award to an “open-minded and outstanding act which promotes forestry and knowledge of Finnish forests”, with UPM Forest Life described as a “new and innovative way to bring the forest to the urban people”.

“It successfully combines the different values of forests,” said Tapio Hankala, executive manager of the AFF.

“The use of modern technology makes it possible to offer experiences and simultaneously you are able to get versatile information on forests as habitat, a place for recreation and source of livelihood.”

Pälvi Salpakivi-Salomaa and Robert Taylor, both members of the UPM Forest Life production team, accepted the award, with Mr Salpakivi-Salomaa adding that “professionals have assessed the website and the award is proof that they value the content and approach”.