Environmental services company fountains plc has developed its forestry property marketing service in the UK in response to growing global interest in forestry as an alternative investment.

The service builds on the success of fountains’ US brokerage subsidiary which has advised on properties totalling more than 300,000 acres with a value in excess of US$100m.

Alastair Sandels, managing director of fountains UK forestry service, said property brokers needed to have operational expertise as well as a strong market intelligence.

He added: “We are confident that this venture will be as successful in the UK as it continues to be in the US where we have operations extending from Maine to Tennessee.”

&#8220We are confident that this venture will be as successful in the UK as it continues to be in the US where we have operations extending from Maine to Tennessee”

Alastair Sandels, managing director of fountains UK forestry service

The service includes independent valuations, preparation of sales particulars both on and off-line, media planning and buying and transaction negotiation.