Mr Kerr, former head of Silviculture and Wood Properties Science Group, Forest Research, will be retiring from Forest Research in September. From April he is working part-time to allow him to take on  the QJF role from April 1. He originally joined the Forestry Commission in 1985 and moved to (what is now) Forest Research in 1988. He is known for his passionate advocacy for the sustainable management of forests.

Mr Kerr is the author and co-author of many articles in leading scientific and forestry publications, including many in the QJF. He is also former editor-in-chief of ‘Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research’ and is currently the chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Forest Institute.

“It is an honour and privilege to be taking over as the commissioning editor of the QJF from April 2023,” he said. “I am really looking forward to the challenge of sourcing interesting and informative content for the journal. I hope I can do this by working in partnership with RFS members and staff.

“Trees, woodlands and forests offer easy wins for many of the problems that we face in the modern era. I hope the QJF can play a key role in helping the RFS to communicate this message.”

“The QJF is much loved and respected throughout forestry,” said Christopher Williams, RFS chief executive. “The depth and breadth of articles and papers it carries keeps foresters and woodland owners up to date with the latest thinking. We are delighted to welcome Gary as editor. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge, writing and editing skills.

“We also thank Adam Bradbury who became QJF commissioning editor from the July 2022 issue for the rigorous attention to detail that he brought. The April 2023 issue is his last as editor and we wish him well in his future career.”