The newly-formed Timber Resource Efficiency Partnership (TREP), part of a plan to reduce waste throughout the timber supply chain, will meet for the first time on January 26.

TREP, which is open to all timber companies, will build on the recommendations made in the Joinery Resource Efficiency Action Plan published by the British Woodworking Federation (BWF) last year.

The plan aims to reduce the wood waste produced by the joinery sector where yields are typically 50% but can be as low as 20%.

“We are aware that the joinery sector, which uses around 300,000m³ a year, is probably too small to make a difference but if we can provide a template then everyone can follow it,” said BWF chief executive Richard Lambert.

Among the report’s recommendations is the greater use of engineered timber, such as laminated sections, to improve procurement efficiency.

“For timber product manufacturers, engineered timber means they get more for their money, they reduce waste and the cost of waste disposal; for timber producers it means they supply a higher value product,” said Mr Lambert.

The action plan also highlights the need to establish viable wood waste collection schemes and to improve the understanding of the legislation and regulations on wood waste. The BWF has secured funding from WRAP and the BRE to help implement the plan.

Companies throughout the supply chain are encouraged to sign an industry accord to reduce waste.

Mr Lambert said the aim was to have 50 companies signed up to TREP by Ecobuild in March, where a seminar on material resources will discuss some of the issues.

For more information contact Mr Lambert on