The campaign, developed by Swedish Wood in co-operation with Wood for Good and Confederation of Timber Industries (CTI) members, has been some six months in the planning, long before Covid-19 impacted.

The theme focuses on wood’s unique ability to reduce CO2 emissions, providing a timely argument that we need a new green economy to help lift us out of the post Covid-19 slump.

The Wood CO2ts less campaign is a set of tools bound together by a slogan and the core message that using wood can help reduce CO2 in the atmosphere and contribute to slowing climate heating. The slogan has been designed as a distinctive logo, and is registered as a collective mark by Wood for Good.

The toolbox, available at woodforgood/CO2, also includes information, supporting publications, social media posts, videos and infographics that the industry can use and develop as the basis for its own promotional activities.

This message has been signed up to by all the UK timber associations, and is as relevant to interior design or DIY as it is to RMI or house-building.

Last year, in its report ‘UK Housing; Fit for the Future?’, the Committee on Climate Change stated “Using wood in construction to displace high-carbon materials such as cement and steel is one of the most effective ways to use limited biomass resources to mitigate climate change. New policies will be needed to support this.”

The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of how using more wood can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions so as to encourage legislators, planners, local authorities, developers, designers and builders to ‘think wood’, particularly at this time of national re-building.

In order to encourage wide adoption of the campaign, use of the mark, subject to conditions, will be granted to members and supporters of trade associations and membership bodies at a nominal cost.

If you would like to know more, contact