Guofu Xiang, KTP software engineer, completed his doctorate entitled "Automatic 3D facial modelling with deformable models", to receive a PhD from Robert Gordon University.

Mike Coats, software and IT manager, completed a BSc (Hons) in computing from The Open University after submitting his project "Using Genetic Algorithms to determine optimum search heuristics for English draughts".

Mr Xiang joined James Jones & Sons in 2012 as part of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership in conjunction with Robert Gordon University.

Mr Coats has been with James Jones & Sons since 2004, originally employed as a technician in the design office, before moving to IT and being sponsored by the company through his degree with The Open University.

"I’d like to thank everyone at James Jones for their support. Studying in the evenings and at weekends has been tough, but all of my work over the past 6 1/2 years has paid off and I’m thrilled to have finished and graduated," said Mr Coats.