A Department of Trade and Industry sponsored research project under the Partners in Innovation Programme on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the timber industry has been completed.

The project, led by the Business Solutions group of TRADA Technology, was undertaken by the Builders Merchants Federation, British Woodworking Federation and the Trussed Rafter Association.

Phil Becker of Business Solutions said customer service generated the most interest across all sectors, while manufacturing companies were keen to develop productivity measures.

The resulting KPIs have fallen into three groupss – generic KPIs applicable to any type of timber-related business; joinery sector KPIs; and trussed rafter sector KPIs.

Mr Becker said: “The KPI process in the timber industry is still in its infancy and more work is needed. The outcome of this first project is encourging, however, and it did attract support from a number of influential senior executives.”