The company said it is a complete and compliant system for makers of high quality A-rated thermal windows for large companies, but scaleable for SMEs that will open up new markets and business opportunities. It also reduces waste and sanding, while increasing efficiency, performance and finish.

Leitz will demonstrate the ThermoTech Window System at one-day seminars on the thermal windows production standards proposed in the next update of Part L of Building Regulations.

The events will be held at the Building Crafts College in London on February 20 and Leeds College of Building on February 26.

"We have removed the burden of design, tooling, set-up and window simulation thermal testing for the energy performance rating. The only things we don’t do are actually performance test the windows or make them," said Leitz sales manager Brian Maddox.

He said the system was developed in response to the proposed reductions in U-values in Part L. "It gives the opportunity for much wider high quality manufacture of A-rated thermal performance wood windows, and there is demand both from manufacturers as well as architects and contractors."

ThermoTech will be presented at the seminars by British Fenestration Rating Council simulator Richard Jacobs, who will be joined by representatives of the British Woodworking Federation, machinery manufacturer Felder, Accsys and Teknos Coatings. The seminars will be accredited by the BWF’s new woodworking Continuing Professional Development programme.